Announcement of the

Announcement of the "YOU ARE CULTURE." slogan


Since its founding in 1958, Jun Co., Ltd. has always been disseminating culture in a variety of lifestyle support businesses, such as cafes, music, sports, wine, and food, as well as fashion, for more than 60 years.
Despite the diminishing interest in fashion globally due to the commoditization of fashion, JUN believes that fashion still has the power to improve the cultural maturity of the global market, which will lead to integrated socio-economic prosperity.
Last year, JUN defined its company philosophy as "social style", which is a life philosophy on "how to get involved with society". We believe that CULTURE has a very important place in our lives and society. We hope that everyone can lead a culture-oriented life and want to convey that each person represents a culture. To materialize our hopes, together with all stakeholders in society, we will share the phrase "YOU ARE CULTURE." to share our values.
As our first step, the slogan "YOU ARE CULTURE." conveys our ideas to the world and our wish to build a large social activity. We will also spread out the word in industry journals, fashion magazines, newspaper and outdoor advertisements, television commercials, websites, and others. In the future, we will also diversify ourselves in various business development and customer participation events.