New line

New line "Saturdays Golf" debuts from SATURDAYS NEW YORK CITY!


"Saturdays Golf" will start as a new golf line from "SATURDAYS NEW YORK CITY " operated by Jun Co., Ltd.

At SATURDAYS NEW YORK CITY, as the brand slash logo implies, we have cherished the balance between on and off of lifestyle. Our co-founders Morgan Collett and Collin Tunstall in their off-hours have been enjoying sport of golf, for which we announced new line this time, as well as surfing.

Eighteen items in the first collection feature typical graphics that embody the identity of the apparel, and all products use functional materials and patterns that support movement during play. Combining the brand's stylish design with functionality, the lineup is sure to appeal to both the casual golfer and the serious competitive golfer.

Click here for the Saturdays Golf collection