The start of JUN THE CULTURE radio program

The start of JUN THE CULTURE radio program


The radio program "JUN SOUND POOL" that was broadcasted by the Jun Group was changed to "JUN THE CULTURE" on Saturday, April 2, 2016, and was relaunched with J-WAVE (81.3 FM).
Artists, DJs, producers, fashion designers, together with Hiroshi Fujiwara, who has always been the driving force of this program, act as the personalities who transmit art, design, and cultural topics that stimulate his emotions based on the music of his choice.
The 20-minute program combines Music × Fashion × Culture organically.

Airtime: Every Saturday on 14:10 - 14:30 (Programs in "SEASONS")
Navigator: Hiroshi Fujiwara
Broadcasting station: J-WAVE (81.3 FM)
Hiroshi Fujiwara
Born in 1964, he started as a club DJ in the 80's and formed the TINNIEPUNKS (which was later renamed to TINYPANX) with Kan Takagi. He has released many works during his solo career. He was active as a music producer since the '90s. He is a great influence on the young generation in fashion and opened a concept store "The Pool Aoyama" under his directions in 2014. In March 2016, he opened "The Parking Ginza".